CranioSacral Therapy


Somatic Emotional Release is creating space to feel good about your mind and body by releasing emotions held in the soma (body) which represent stress or trauma. These cause restrictions in movement, develop chronic pain patterns, initiate injury or affect body confidence.

Sessions are held in a safe space at Jane’s home using CranioSacral therapy, myofascial release, trigger point therapy and hot stones to encourage rest and repair of the myo (muscular), fascial (connective tissue), and parasympathetic nervous systems. Self-care is an important part of the journey, so expect to be given stretches or strengthening exercises between sessions, or try a Somatic Pilates class or 1-1.

CranioSacral Therapy £65 per hour 

Myofascial Release £65 per hour

Hot Stone Massage £65 per hour, £35 per half hour.

Payment accepted by cash, cheque (Jane McDonald) or BACS. Reduced rates for young people.

Please give 24 hours’ notice to avoid being charged for a missed session.

Parking is available on the street.